Basic English 2a: Aiko’s Week


Aiko lives in Sydney, Australia. She works at a design company downtown. Every weekday, she wakes up at 6:30 AM. She has a cup of green tea and a small breakfast before leaving her apartment. Aiko takes the bus to work. She usually listens to music during her 30-minute commute.

She arrives at her office a few minutes before 9:00 AM and works on various projects until lunchtime. Aiko often has lunch with her colleagues at a restaurant near the office, but she sometimes brings her own lunch and eats at her desk.

After work, Aiko often goes to the gym. She always plays tennis with her friends on Thursday evenings. Sometimes her friends go to a bar, but she never goes with them. She usually goes home, cooks dinner, and relaxes by reading a book or watching a Japanese drama.

On weekends, Aiko’s schedule is a little different. She sometimes meets her friends at a café on Saturday mornings or goes shopping in the city. She rarely goes out late at night, but she occasionally enjoys having dinner at a new restaurant.

On Sundays, Aiko usually practices yoga at home. In the evening, she always calls her family in Japan to catch up and talk about her week.

Comprehension Exercises

  1. Aiko lives in Melbourne, Australia.
  2. Aiko takes the train to work every day.
  3. Aiko always has lunch with her colleagues at a restaurant.
  4. Aiko plays tennis with her friends every Thursday evening.
  5. After work, Aiko always goes to the gym.
  6. Aiko rarely goes out late at night.
  7. On Sundays, Aiko usually calls her family in the morning.
2. Yes/No Questions
  1. Does Aiko live in Australia?
  2. Does Aiko wake up at 7:00 AM every weekday?
  3. Does she usually listen to music during her commute?
  4. Does Aiko always play tennis on Thursday evenings?
  5. Does Aiko sometimes bring her own lunch to the office?
  6. Does she often go out late at night on weekends?
  7. Does Aiko always call her family in Japan on Saturdays?
3. Either/Or Questions
  1. Does Aiko live in Sydney or Melbourne?
  2. Does Aiko wake up at 6:00 AM or 6:30 AM on weekdays?
  3. Does Aiko take the bus or the train to work?
  4. Does Aiko usually listen to music or podcasts during her commute?
  5. Does Aiko eat lunch with her colleagues at a restaurant or at her desk?
  6. Does Aiko play tennis with her friends on Wednesday or Thursday evenings?
  7. On Sundays, does Aiko practice yoga or go to the gym?
4. Open Questions
  1. Where does Aiko live?
  2. What time does Aiko wake up on weekdays?
  3. What does Aiko drink for breakfast?
  4. How does Aiko get to work?
  5. What does Aiko often do after work?
  6. Where does Aiko sometimes meet her friends on Saturdays?
  7. Who does Aiko call on Sunday evenings?
5. Ask Me
  1. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko takes the bus to work every day.
    (b) how often Aiko takes the bus to work.
  2. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko goes to the gym after work.
    (b) how often Aiko goes to the gym.
  3. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko plays tennis with her friends on Thursday evenings.
    (b) how often Aiko plays tennis.
  4. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko and her friends go to a café on weekends.
    (b) how often Aiko and her friends go to a café.
  5. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko and her friends go to a bar after tennis.
    (b) how often Aiko and her friends go to a bar.
  6. Ask me
    (a) if Aiko and her friends go shopping together.
    (b) how often Aiko and her friends go shopping.






Nouns (名詞)
  1. week – 週 (しゅう)
  2. Sydney – シドニー
  3. Australia – オーストラリア
  4. design company – デザイン会社 (デザインがいしゃ)
  5. weekday – 平日 (へいじつ)
  6. breakfast – 朝食 (ちょうしょく)
  7. bus – バス
  8. commute – 通勤 (つうきん)
  9. music – 音楽 (おんがく)
  10. project – プロジェクト
  11. lunch – 昼食 (ちゅうしょく)
  12. restaurant – レストラン
  13. desk – デスク
  14. gym – ジム
  15. tennis – テニス
  16. friend – 友達 (ともだち)
  17. bar – バー
  18. dinner – 夕食 (ゆうしょく)
  19. book – 本 (ほん)
  20. drama – ドラマ
  21. schedule – スケジュール
  22. café – カフェ
  23. shopping – 買い物 (かいもの)
  24. restaurant – レストラン
  25. yoga – ヨガ
  26. family – 家族 (かぞく)
  27. evening – 夕方 (ゆうがた)
  28. week – 週 (しゅう)
Verbs (動詞)
  1. live – 住む (すむ)
  2. work – 働く (はたらく)
  3. wake up – 起きる (おきる)
  4. have – 飲む/食べる (のむ/たべる)
  5. leave – 出発する (しゅっぱつする)
  6. take (the bus) – 乗る (のる)
  7. listen – 聞く (きく)
  8. arrive – 到着する (とうちゃくする)
  9. work on – 取り組む (とりくむ)
  10. bring – 持ってくる (もってくる)
  11. eat – 食べる (たべる)
  12. go – 行く (いく)
  13. play (tennis) – テニスをする
  14. cook – 料理する (りょうりする)
  15. relax – リラックスする
  16. meet – 会う (あう)
  17. go shopping – 買い物に行く (かいものにいく)
  18. practice – 練習する (れんしゅうする)
  19. call – 電話する (でんわする)
  20. talk – 話す (はなす)
Adjectives (形容詞)
  1. small – 小さい (ちいさい)
  2. different – 違う (ちがう)
  3. new – 新しい (あたらしい)
Adverbs (副詞)
  1. every day – 毎日 (まいにち)
  2. often – よく
  3. sometimes – 時々 (ときどき)
  4. never – 決して〜ない (けっして〜ない)
  5. usually – たいてい
  6. always – いつも
  7. rarely – めったに〜ない
Adverbial Phrases of Time (時間の副詞句)
  1. every weekday – 毎平日 (まいへいじつ)
  2. after work – 仕事の後で (しごとのあとで)
  3. on weekends – 週末に (しゅうまつに)
  4. on Thursday evenings – 木曜日の夜に (もくようびのよるに)
  5. in the evening – 夕方に (ゆうがたに)
  6. on Saturday mornings – 土曜日の朝に (どようびのあさに)
  7. on Sundays – 日曜日に (にちようびに)